
LA Beaches:


Health and Fitness by Beaches
People into Health and Fitness throng to Beach Communities.
Venice Beach even has a Weightlifting area on the Beach.
There are Health Food Stores near most beaches:
Mother's Market: 19770 Beach Bl Hunt. Bch / 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa / 2963 Michelson Dr, Irvine
Whole Foods Market: 283 Broadway Laguna Bch / 6550 E PCH Belmont Shore-Long Beach / 405 N PCH Redondo Bch / 760 S Sepulveda El Segundo / 2201 Wilshire Santa Monica
Trader Joe's: 18681 Main St Hunt. Bch / 640 W 17th St Costa Mesa / 8086 E. Coast Hwy Corona Del Mar-Newport Bch / San Clemente / 6451 PCH Belmont Shore-LB / 28901 Western (by San Pedro) / 1761 Elena Redondo Bch / 1821 Manhattan Bl Manhattan Bch / 8645 Sepulveda (by Playa Del Rey) / 3212 Pico Santa Monica
(Raw Foods and Live Juices heal massively: read more at - Tijuana Cancer Clinics / - Doctor Drugs do not Heal, they just postpone symptoms)
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